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It’s very simple. We believe that a lot of little changes make a big difference, and we’re here to make those little changes easier for you to make happen.

Why not join our Facebook group > Sustainable living for beginners


How do we make better choices?

In my opinion, the key is to first understand that sustainability means a different thing to every single person. 

For those of you that don’t have the time or energy to try to understand the in’s and out’s of every pro and con to each product, or fabric, or process, you can shop as you ordinarily would, but knowing that the products you are looking at have been made, in some way or another, that bit better for the environment. 

For those of you keen to learn more, to question and to delve deeper. We understand that it’s a total minefield, and we want to help. We provide accessible, easy to understand breakdowns of what any sustainable credentials linked to the product actually mean. Our information pages offer balanced information for you to interpret how you want to.

A journey, not a destination

Sustainability is a journey, not a destination. We recognise the actions that must be made, and the perceptions that must be changed, for a better, healthier planet. Our platform provides a space where small and easy consumer changes can be made all in one place.
We hand-pick designers all around the world, pioneering the way in sustainable fabrics and processes, slowing down fast fashion, while staying stylish, affordable and long lasting.

 Few reasons why:

- PWC estimates that 40% of online clothing purchases are returned and 10% of these end up end up in landfill. Every second the equivalent of a rubbish truck full of clothes ends up in landfill

- 60% of all clothing is made from virgin plastic

- One farmer commits suicide in India every 30 minutes. Around 25,000 have died in last 16 years due to cotton farming

- Greenpeace estimates there are 51 trillion pieces of tiny plastics in existence. That’s more than the total amount of stars in our galaxy.


"Your sustainable journey is unique, not perfect"

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